Friday, November 19, 2010

Jigsaw and our groups

In class on Wednesday, our teacher, Dr. Smirnova was out due to her surgery on her finger. As a class we had to figure out what was needed to complete our assignment on the jigsaw puzzle. I think that we managed pretty well without a teacher there. We worked really well together and there was no problems and Ashley did a great job being in charge and figuring out what we had to do as well.
We made our groups for the jigsaw puzzle. My part of the group is to learn about how doing jigsaw and cooperative learning can help children with their social skills. So far, I have learned alot about how it helps the social skills. I think that some things are obvious, like learning how to talk and have a social interaction with their peers. But other things like having a self value because you feel a part of the group are not as obvious and I think it is important that my group understands how doing the jigsaw can really help everyone to work on their social skills in the classroom. I think this activity is hard but I am trying to figure out how to put it into a lesson. I dont think it will be too hard but we will see!
We dont have class again until after Thanksgiving break so it will give us a couple days to try and fix our IPM lessons and I know I will be starting to work on my cooperative learning lesson plan as well because I think that I really understand the concept of this.

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