Tuesday, November 16, 2010

..........Treasure Hunt....

I have to say that my Treasure Hunt has been the hardest thing that we have been doing in class this year. I dont know why this has been so difficult for me, its possibly that it is the fact (and I have said this before) that I am not computer savy at all. I am having a hard time trying to make the pages for this even though i have all the websites and information that I want to provide into the treasure hunt. It is starting to become very frustrating.
On the up side, I have been learning so much about cooperative learning and alll the different types up lessons that we can do based off this type of theory. Kagan is who I have definietly been learning the most from. I have learned about the jigsaw, the think-pair-share and many many more types of lessons. I know that we still have to write one more lesson for this class and I am so excited to do mine on cooperative learning that I have already started thinking of the content and the grade that I want to do my last lesson plan on!!

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