Friday, November 12, 2010

Learning about Cooperative Learning

Next week in class, me and 4 other peers will begin to help teach our classmates about Cooperative Learning/Social Interaction Model. I have been doing some research and looking up everything that I can find about this type of lesson that we are going to be working on next. I am nervous because I dont want to teach the class the wrong thing even though I know Dr. Smirnova will lead us back in the right direction.
What I have found out from these theorys is basically: the main definition is "thinking about thinking". This is the highest level of thinking that a student can reach. Basically, this theory is like a jigsaw puzzle. Each person gets a peice of the puzzle and they all become experts at their own section. By doing this, it puts a responsibility on themselves and on the group, they sink or swim together because each person needs to teach the rest of their group about the idea that they have mastered themselves.
This is a great lesson because the students really need to work together and not only does the social interaction model have the students attain higher levels of thinking but it works on their own social skills as well.

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