Friday, November 12, 2010

Treasure Hunts and Information Processing Models

The last class we have started to discuss working on our Treasure Hunts as well as our lesson plans for the Information Processing Model. I am excited for completing both of these tasks. I think the information processing model is really good because the students are able to attain higher levels of thinking. Sometimes the lesson plans can be a little more difficult to write because it is natural, as future teachers, that we want to teach the students by lecturing and making sure that they are on the right track; but it doesnt work that way for this lesson. We have to give the students a question and based on the questions, we give them some information and they have to teach themselves. I think this is good because when a student(s) teaches themselves something they are more likely to remember it. You know that they have remembered it when they can teach it back to you or explain it to you in their own words and by having the students create something at the end of the lesson, this is exactly what they are doing.

I have not started my own treasure hunt yet but it seems like a new and exciting but challenging activity. Everyone in the class is working with partners on this assignment but I opted to work alone. I dont mind this because sometimes its just easier this way and I dont mind doing the extra work either. My treasure hunt is going to be on metacognition which is basically "teaching about teaching and thinking about thinking". I am excited to start this because I really feell like I am going to enjoy doing this assignment!

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