Friday, September 10, 2010

Aims, Goals and Objectives

In our class were learning about Aims, Goals and Objectives. I like working on my objectives although they may get a little frustrating at times. I wrote about A.G.O in my own words to help me remember them better:

What are the differences between Aims, Goals and Objectives?
1. Aims: They are the first thing a teacher should look into and are the most general. Most of the time they use words like; learn understand and know.
2.Goals: The goals give extra details on certain activities or areas.
3. Objectives: These are usually the most specific, they help with assessment and help teachers know how to find out if the students learned anything.

Sources for formulating A.G.O?
1. Aims: are the national standards
2. Goals: are the state standards
3.Objectives: are the teacher and district standards

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