Monday, September 20, 2010

Technology...Websites...Teaching..Pulling it Together

Today in class we started to discuss the text book that we are going to create online. It is going to be an on going project throughout the semester and I think it can help everyone in different ways. I know that I will be able to look back on this years from now and it will help me to look better in interviews with other members that I work with and it will especially help me as a teacher.

I think that it is not going to be easy and it will get frustrating at times but overall it will be a great experience for each and everyone of us. We also discussed Direct Instruction. I like this type of teaching but I know it only has the students reach one level of Blooms Taxonomy and that is never good for the students. In Blooms Taxonomy, it is in the best interests for the students to be able to reach all the levels of thinking, especially creating something because then the teacher will see that the students understand the topic at a mastery level.

I provided the different levels of blooms taxonomy because everyone should know the different levels. We all want to reach the highest level with our students and technology plays a big role in this also. Technoloy, like a web quest for example, will help the students to explore, analyze and create on their own so we are helping the students to learn on their own and reach all levels of Blooms Taxonomy.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you! I never thought I'd be learning how to incorporate technology into my lessons while in college. Now my eyes are open to how much teaching using technology as an aid is so important
