Friday, September 17, 2010

Web Questing

Today in class we started our Web Quests for our lessons. I am going to be doing mine in the science content area. I am really excited for this but at the same time I am so nervous because I am not good with computers and I do not want to mess this up. I was already getting things wrong in class today because me and computers dont work well together, but i am determined to get this correct because I think it will be a great tool for me now and later down my road with teaching. Dr. Smirnova was extremely helpful and talked me through all my problems with the web quest today. I thank her for her patience because I had almost none with myself but she helped me and I finally started tounderstand what was going on. I plan on going on my Web Quest at least once a day even if its just to play around with it so that the more I use it the more common it will be to me!

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