Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Anticipatory sets and me..as one :)

On Monday, October 18 I had to present my own anticipatory set. Surprisingly I felt very very comfortable in front of the class. I thought I was forgettting everything but I remebered most of it. I was not as prepared as I could of been which is somethign that I really need to work on but it wasnt too bad because I already knew my topic and what I was going to do and say so it didnt seem like I wasnt prepared. I actually had fun up in front of the class teaching and it kind of makes me excited to do a co-teaching experience with Dr. Smirnova.

Tonight I had to write my lesson plan rough draft and I kind of thought I was going to lose my mind. It got really confusing but I think I did okay with it. Once I got all my thoughts sorted out and started to get them down onto the paper everything started to flow really nicely. Im nervous about Dr. Smirnova editting everything because I dont want her to tear me apart! I dont think she will but it still makes me nervous to have someone editting while I am trying to write a whole lesson plan! YIKESS!

I hope i did well...wish me luck!

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