Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wrapping it alll up perfectly...

Tonight we had to hand in our final copies of our Direct Instruction lesson plans. As much as I was extremely nervous in the begining about writing our lesson plans, by the end of it, everything that we needed was right in front of us so it was so simple to write. Im sure mine is not going to be perfect the first time around, but I am extremely happy with how my lesson plan came out.

We learned so much in the past few weeks about Direct Instruction. I learned that this is only to have the students attain automaticity and the teachers are basically dictating to the students. The goal at the end of a Direct Instruction Lesson Plan is to have the students to be able to spit the answer right back out to you barely even thinking about it. I really enjoyed working on my lesson plan on greater than and less than symbols because I think my lesson is enjoyable enough for my students to want to learn it but at the same time they are hearing the same things over and over and by the time they have reached the end of the lesson they most likely should all have reached automaticity.

I really enjoyed using the Google Docs with this as well because it made it so easy to talk to my teacher and make sure that everything was in place and be where it needed to be. I really like writing direct instruction because the students can show in so many different ways at all different times that they are learning!

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