Monday, October 4, 2010

Good, Bad, Ugly?

Today my partner, Samantha Conklin, and I had to give our presentation. I have to say that I did feel more comfortable in front of the class than I thought i would or could. I actually had alot of fun getting in front of the class and teaching to my classmates. I know that our presentation was not perfect by any means but I think we really did a great job with it.
I was super nervous in the begining but everyone seemed like they were participating more than usual and I really liked that. I think its so good when the class interacts with the teachers. I know that since there is only about 10 of us, not many people talk all the time, but it is nice to know that when your teaching and the students understand something you can see it in their faces.
What I realized that I need to work on more with future presentations was that I need to not read off of the power point so much. I think i should also use less words and more pictures. Its natural for students of any age to want to look at a picture rather than a bunch of words so I know that next time I have to present for this class or any class I want to be able to show more pictures or videos and just be able to talk and interact with the class that I am teaching to.

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