Saturday, October 16, 2010

Presentating Anticipatory Set...ahhh!

Presenting to a bunch of your peers can be really challenging, especially when you are supposed to pretend they are a bunch of third graders and they are watching and judging your every move. On Friday in class everyone presented their anticipartory sets to our class on what we are going to be teaching our Direct Instruction lesson plan on.
I didnt have mine ready that day because I was not in class on Friday but I paid close attention to what everyone else was doing and taking notes. I think everyone did an awesome job with their and I learned alot of really creative ideas on how to grab the students attention. I think that sometimes can be the hardest part when you are teaching your peers because you feel like a fool but your really not!
At the begining of the class I had no idea what to expect with the anticipatory sets but the more I watched the more I enjoyed. I loved the song that Rachel created and the money riddles that Samantha did. I thought those were really good and I give Rachel alot of credit for trying to hum the tune to us.
Im really excited to put together my anticipatory set because now I have all these great ideas swimming through my head thanks to all my peers!

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