Friday, October 22, 2010

Me..and Lesson Plans

On Wednesday, October 20, we started to correct our lesson plans in class. I was Dr. Smirnovas guinea pig. We pulled up my direct instruction lesson plan in front of the whole class and went over what was correct or incorrect about it. On Friday, October 22 we started to work on our webquests and had time to look over them and see what was needed.
When we corrected my lesson plan I was so nervous but anxious to see how I did at the same time. As we went through it, I realized that what I have done was not too far off from what was needed. I know I looked through the rubric as I was writing it. What really surprised me was how comfortable I felt in front of the class. Sometimes its really nerve racking to have an entire class see your work and know exactly what you did wrong or right. I think that all the input that I got from my class was really helpful and useful. Everyone gave me really good ideas and no one made fun or laughed at the things that I got wrong. I was happy how nice everyone was to me and they wanted me to accept their opinions which I really liked.
THis class has really began to make me more comfortable in front of a classroom and I think thats really good because I have never been good with standing up and giving a presentation, let alone correcting my own work in front of a class. This experience brought me one more step closer to where I want to be as a teacher and I am so thankful for that.

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